Monday, February 27, 2006

Too bad I don't get free earplugs anymore

It's occurred to me recently that I've become a little self-absorbed in my posts, mainly obsessed with the dating thing. (Yeah, I know, I hear you all going "a little?!" Quiet now, the lot of you). It's like this quest for a decent, smart, childless, nice guy has become this all-consuming thing; it's less about the actual guy and more about the pursuit at this point. While amusing and entertaining, it's also exhausting and frustrating. Therefore I shall put it aside for a while.

You're welcome.

Anyway, I've got a new obsession coming up right around the corner - I start my drum lessons on Thursday! I am told I should wear earplugs when I play, which I'm kind of thinking is a little like telling a blind person to put on sunglasses. But yeah, I wish I'd done this back when I was working for the safety place and could get earplugs for mad cheap - at least then I could give them away to my neighbors.

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