Monday, October 08, 2007

I don't even really like baseball!

I wish people could be more grown-up when it comes to expressing feelings and desires. I include myself in this list, of course, as I am notorious for saying everything BUT what I mean to say, circumventing the issue at hand and at times getting all cryptic and weird. Then I take my frustrations out and vent to people who aren't even part of the situation, and end up tangling more people than necessary into the web o'drama.

*Gratuitous Baseball Metaphor Alert*

If we all had more balls to just step up to the plate and take a swing, the world would be a much happier place. Even if you strike out, at least you know you've struck out and aren't left standing there wondering whether to drop the bat and run or retreat back to the bench. And sometimes you surprise yourself and hit it out of the park. But so many of us never even pick up that bat.

Cheesy analogies aside, why is this? Is it fear of rejection? Trepidation in the face of the unknown? A gunshy attitude based on previous experience? The desire to "spare" others' feelings? Why can't we just come right out and say, "Hey, you really pissed me off," or "I dig you" or "Yes, those pants make your ass look big," or "Sorry, I'm not into you that way," or countless other sentiments? Granted, one is required to be relatively tactful and diplomatic when offering such statements, and few people possess the necessary tools for being so. Even still, if we all started being more honest and straightforward with each other, there would be some broken hearts and disappointments, sure, but there would be a hell of a lot fewer misunderstandings.

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