Monday, November 05, 2007

See, look - he's real!! And he's #1 in the x365!

Look, everyone! I got his picture today! THAT GUY! I could only get him from the back though - I'm telling you, That Guy moves like quicksilver. Ironically enough, this sighting happened at the very same intersection as talcum-pants lady. (Here's the original post if you don't know what I'm talking about). Note the signature red cap, the trademark black bag. He's never without. If I could get a shot from the front you'd see the aviators and the moustache, too. Well, maybe next time.

I am a woman obsessed.

Anyway, starting with today's entry I'm beginning the x365. This is a pretty cool thing where you write a blurb about 365 different people who have touched your life in small or large ways, important or insignificant ways, positive or negative ways, any ways at all. The tricky part is that you do this using only a certain number of words. I've chosen to use the number 37, since that is how old I will be when I've completed my 365 people. Sometimes these folks will have their own entry, sometimes they will be tacked on to the end of an entry (like today's), and they will not be in any sort of order of importance or anything like that. In any case, there will be a person a day - maybe you'll be one of them! I may not specify the person in each entry, either. I might give them a nickname (particularly if it's a stranger), or identify only by initials to keep some of them relatively anonymous, but that'll only add to the fun - see if you can guess who it is!

Well, since he was the subject of today's blog entry, I'm going to start with That Guy. Enjoy!


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