Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Twice in a lifetime!

Well, I *had* a photo of the event, but for some reason the memory stick on my camera shit the bed, and I lost all my photos - like, all 400-some-odd photos from the last year, and I'm feeling a little sick over that. I have NO idea how it happened. It was fine this afternoon, and I got home tonight and *poof* they were all gone.

So you'll just have to take my word for it...but I met Henry Rollins AGAIN!

He played an intimate little show in Rochester last night, and I braved the harsh elements to drive out there. Luckily I'd had the wherewithal to anticipate nasty weather and the late hour at which I'd be getting out of the show, so I booked a room and stayed the night. I was on the guest list, so I got into the show for free, but there was no backstage pass deal this time. This time I just went outside and waited by his bus with the rest of the folks willing to stand in freezing rain to meet The Man. We waited about 15 minutes, and when he exited the building, he came up to us and said, "You are all out of your fucking minds!" We laughed and he came up to each of us. I showed him the photo from the last time we met, and though he didn't remember me, he told me he was glad I could make it out. The visit this time was much more rushed, mainly due to the weather (it really was nasty - I had photos of my ice-crusted car as well, but those evaporated with the rest of them), but still he took the time to autograph my copy of A Dull Roar (see attached photo taken post-memory stick-crash) and pose for a photo (which was one of the ones lost in said crash). I'm consoling myself over the loss of the photo by reminding myself how awful I looked in it. Ha.

Anyway, in light of this awesome event, I'm dedicating today's x365 to Henry!


Unknown said...

i just have to ask. why would you keep a years worth of photos on a memory stick and not transfer them to the computer? i know other ppl who do it too and i just dont understand that. too bad you missed the henry pics, but awesome you got to meet him AGAIN!! lucky :)

Deedee said...

Most of the previous photos had been transferred, so I didn't really lose all of them - just the most recent ones. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you met him again!!!