Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Off to the Land of the Rising Sun...

Hey folks!
In just a few hours I'll be heading to the airport for my trip to Japan! I've been up all night in an attempt to thwart jet lag and to help me sleep on the *gulp* 13-hour flight. Oh, and in true Deedee fashion, I'm still packing, too. I hope I make some semblance of sense.

I won't have a whole lot of access to my email while I'm there, but fear not - there will be x365 entries nonetheless. Blogger has a great feature that lets you schedule posts out as far as you want, so I've written a few to cover at least the next few days while I settle in, and then will post as often as I'm able to while I'm away.

Just a couple of updates while I'm posting a non-x365 entry...

The book I've been illustrating for the last few months (we ended up pushing the deadline waaaaay out because of my various roadblocks like malfunctioning lungs and demolished car) is finally, finally done and, barring any major revisions, is being assembled in the very near future. (See below for the cover illustration - the layout and colors may change, but the illustration will remain the same). It should be available for purchase sometime in September...oooooh....just in time for early Christmas shopping! More details as they become available. And yes, of course I'll autograph your copy. ;-)

My doctor gave me a clean bill of health today - well, as clean as it's gonna be under the current circumstances. I put on a lot of weight in a short amount of time recently, thanks to Prednisone, which is like the anti-Christ of medications. I can't believe they haven't come up with anything better by now. Anyway, after swelling up like a balloon for several weeks and then spending a few hours in the ER last week (and a few hundred dollars, I'm sure), and having been given every possible test on the planet, there's nothing wrong with me. Well, aside from the obvious, of course. Dr. O was concerned that my heart might be failing, since the edema has typically been accompanied by chest pains and shortness of breath, but apparently it's all tied in with my weight and my asthma. But I'm not dying. So that's good.

I've decided to drop down to part time in school after this next semester. I was supposed to graduate next spring, but I'm finding it more and more difficult to juggle several upper-level classes and a paying job along with freelance projects. Plus, the loan money is running out, haha. Oh well. At least now I have more time to study for the GRE.

Okay, well...that'll do it for now. Gotta get back to packing. If anyone's dying for something in particular from Japan, email me and let me know!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

re: the book:
You rock!

re: the other stuff:
why didn't I hear about this? We gotta talk when you get back.