Tuesday, April 21, 2009

It's not over 'til it's over...and God only knows when that'll be.

I know - it's been a long, long time since I laid any type down on Planet Deedums. You all know, though, that I've been preoccupied with other things, and hopefully you still love me. If the turnout at my show was any indication, I've got a wonderfully diverse and fabulous group of folks in my life who, at the very least, like me.

So. The show is over. I'm really surprised at how well I managed to pull it all off, particularly the reception (especially considering the formidable list of obstacles preceding it), but I had a good deal of help and support from my family and friends. At the end of the reception, I had planned to go home, have myself a hearty, deep-cleansing cry, and sleep off the remnants of the nerve-soothing wine. It didn't quite happen that way, though. I ended up stopping by a friend's reception elsewhere in town because I had enough time to do so, after which I went and got myself a cup of coffee and a snack. (I heard, by the way, that the food at my show was excellent. I was too busy trying to manipulate a glass of wine, hugs, and handshakes with my hands to hold a plate, and too busy running my mouth to actually put anything in it).

When I got home, I kicked off my 4-inch heels, which had become instruments of torture at that point (my feet STILL hurt), wiggled out of my fancy dress, put on my sweats, and sat on the sofa. I waited for the tears to come, for the release of many weeks of hard work and anxiety through my eyelids, but they didn't show. I think the real torrent will come when I finally have that diploma in my hand.

Before I can have that, though, I have to get through the next two weeks of classes, during which I also need to secure an internship, wait for the grad school decision letter, and learn Flash Animation, which I am convinced was invented for the sole purpose of making my life a living hell.

That said, I can't guarantee it won't be another four months before the next post, but I will certainly try to keep everyone updated on the goings-on here. And thanks to everyone who came out to Impact - it meant the world to me!


Mike Miller said...

Deedee, your show was great and yes, we love you!

PS - the word verification on this comment was "liabl"... :)

BuffaloJenn said...

We still love you! (Duh!)