Friday, May 13, 2005

The Burnout Retardation Non-Entry

In honor of Friday the 13th, when nothing is supposed to make sense anyhow.

Last week I started an entry about kids, in honor of Mothers’ Day. Then I scrapped that and started writing an entry about the hell also known as dating in Buffalo. I got sidetracked and when I went back to it, I decided it was poorly worded and atrociously structured. I scrapped that one, too. All in all, I think I dumped about six would-be entries from my cache before deciding to simply write a “non-entry.”

Bottom line, folks, is that I’m just too damn exhausted lately. You know the saying, “stop the world, I want to get off!”? Well, that’s me right now. I’m tired, my brain is fried, and I can’t even put two sentences together these days. So that’s why there have been no new posts recently. I do believe I’m suffering the effects of burnout-related retardation. I hope this passes quickly.



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