Wednesday, March 07, 2007

It's official! I'm a BFA candidate!


What this means, for those who may not know:

When you enter the design program at Buffalo State (or any other school, for that matter; most of them operate like this), you are listed as an "uncommitted" design major. Depending on what concentration you decide to pursue, whether it is Communication (in my case), interiors, ceramics, wood, etc, you take your foundations courses first and then go on to the upper level courses in your concentration. Before you can go on to the upper levels, however, at some point you have to submit your portfolio before you are formally accepted into the concentration. In the case of Communication Design, once you've taken Visual Communications I (remember the kiosk fiasco?), the following semester is when you submit for review.

Upon reviewing your portfolio, a jury comprised of faculty and department heads will decide if your work warrants admission into the major. If you pass, you go on your merry way and your status changes from "uncommitted" to "BFA candidate in communication design" If you fail, you get another chance. If you fail the second time, they kick you out of the department altogether and you have to pick a new major.

So I passed, and I'm in. And now I'm just a little less crazy.

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