Saturday, March 31, 2007

The most wonderful time of the year

It's spring! But more importantly, it's Easter time!

Now, I couldn't really care so much about Easter, though it is a pretty important holiday in my religion (I generally shy away from discussing religion, since it's such a personal thing with me, but in a nutshell, I'm a Spiritualist, and Easter is the day that proves everything we believe and hold true about our bro JC); but as most of you know, I possess possibly the most raging sweet tooth on the planet, and with Easter comes...

Creme Eggs.

Oh my god. Creme Eggs, along with Indian buffets and ranch dressing, are grossly responsible for my corpulence. Thankfully they only come along once a year, because if they were available year-round, I might not fit through my doorways. I hate myself for loving them. I hate Cadbury for creating them. I hate Rite Aid for putting them on sale for 39 cents and planting them smack in the front of the store where I can't ignore them as I'm passing through to pick up my prescriptions. I hate that they make my teeth hurt but I still keep sucking them down because they just taste so. fucking. good. And if they weren't already evil enough, now they come in orange flavor, too! Kill me now before I eat myself to death.

In other news, I saw not one, but TWO robins yesterday. Yes, indeed, spring is here. Spring brings new life. Spring brings change. And I swear I'm going to make some changes this year. As soon as the creme eggs disappear from the shelves.

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