Thursday, April 10, 2008

Quick update on my crappy lungs

For those of you who don't already know, I have been trapped in the hospital since Monday night. I won't go into gross detail, but in a nutshell, my lungs took a giant crap and I came in with what they initually thought was pneumonia but turned out to be an acute case of bronchitis that exacerbated my asthma to the point where my lungs would not expand and I couldn't breathe. Yeah, it was scary.

So here I sit. I was hoping to get sprung today and be allowed to continue to recover at home, but it looks like that's not happening until tomorrow. My house, however, is a huge mess (like, remember those "before" pictures from the summer?) so I can't really have visitors...unless, of course, you feel like coming over to help me clean (since I can't really do much in the way of physical exertion for a few more days), hahahaha!

No, but really, while rest and relaxation are a big part of recovery, so is exercise. I have to get up and move around and prove that I can walk more than a few feet without the oxygen before they'll let me go home (because I don't want to bring an oxygen tank home with me - I just don't). So I've been up periodically throughout the night, taking the cannula off and doing spirometer exercises. My peak flows are still at about half of what they should be, but I'm getting better nonetheless.

So again, thanks to everyone who's come out and kept me company over the last couple of days and brought me goodies like Starbucks and orange soda and chocolates and much-needed health & beauty products and trashy magazines and especially to Sara who ventured forth into my abyssmal mess of a house to rescue my laptop and feed the pets - it's really meant a lot! This room can get pretty bleak and depressing, and having company has made a big difference. I'm still here for one more day, so come on by and join the party if you want. Sisters Hospital, room 427. Bring yer party hat!

Now back to our regularly scheduled blog...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear you're sick, Deedee! My mom just got out of Kenmore Mercy. She was in for four days with pneumonia.

Take care of yourself!
