Thursday, April 24, 2008

Yes, I realize everything sucks lately

Looking at the last couple weeks' worth of posts, most are written about people who've pissed me off in one way or another. Now, I'm pretty sure that most every blog-watcher on Planet Deedums knows me well enough to know that I get into these sorts of funky ruts where I seem to hate everyone and everything, but for those who don't know, my life right now is a veritable trainwreck. Because of such, I'm feeling a little barmy these days.

When I sit down to write my x365 post of the day, I usually write about the first random person who pops into my head. If my life at the moment is full of people who are getting on my nerves - whether as a result of their personalities or because of my mood at that particular time - they earn the dubious distinction of becoming "A-listers" of sorts, figures on the forefront of my saturated brain. Sometimes, in the interest of time conservation, I'll write out a few entries ahead of time. When this happens, I tend to "clump" the entries; one guy will earn an entry, and the next day his wife becomes my next victim. Or one customer gets written up and it spawns a string of customers over the next few days. And even if you don't suck all the time, chances are if you pop into my head during one of these funks, I'm not going to remember the Ratatouille corkscrew you gave me when my dog died, I'm going to remember how you stabbed me in the back. You see how my brain works?

So that's all I really wanted to say. I'm not as angry as I come across, and contrary to what the blog might make you believe, I don't hate everyone, just the ones who suck. I sure do get easily annoyed sometimes, and well, to know me is to love my sarcasm and my wry sense of humor (not everyone gets that, you know), and to understand that it's my therapy. Otherwise I'd lose my job and end up in jail. And that would suck.

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