Friday, December 19, 2008

Now, I don't claim to be an A student...

The official Fall '08 Semester Recap!

So I'm back after that intense whirlwind of cramp-inducing, junk-food and caffeine-fueled all-nighters. And it was worth it - after what I was sure was going to be a really horrendous semester, I ended up earning a 3.25. Not bad, considering I was actually saying things at midterm like, "I don't think I can do this after all" and "maybe design isn't really what I'm cut out to do," and "I should really think about trying for a promotion at Starbucks."

I'm not kidding. I was looking at throwing in the towel. I considered dropping out at one point, thinking perhaps my head wasn't in the right place and feeling like my heart had taken leave. Perhaps these things were true, but I soldiered on nonetheless, and here I sit now, staring in disbelief at my grade report and the A- next to Graphic Design, a class which had at one point made me feel doomed as a designer, a class in which I was sure I wouldn't end up with more than a C.

I have to say I was a little disappointed in the B in Advertising Design. See, when I started on this venture, it was in the interest of becoming an Advertising Designer. That, boys and girls, was what I wanted to be when I grew up, what I'd dreamed of becoming at many points throughout my life, and ultimately the reason I went back to school. Yes, I know, a B isn't anything to sniff at. I've gotten lots of Bs in my lifetime, and in fact I am pretty much a straight-B student - always have been (my cumulative hovers around a 3.3 these days). I think I just would have felt better if I'd gotten a slightly higher grade. Then again, I was pouring so much sweat into the Graphic Design stuff that maybe my Advertising work suffered in the shuffle. Well...I'd stick with that theory if it weren't for the fact that the stuff I did get great grades on in Advertising was the stuff I pulled out of my ass the morning of the due date. Go figure. I should just resign myself to the fact that if I am going to pursue a career in design I'd better get used to sleeping for 45 minutes a night on metal-frame pleather loveseats.

The A-minus in Sign Language was no surprise, and I'll be offering commentary on that one in another post (addressing my most recent audiogram and the fact that it's a really good thing I'm learning ASL), and the B-minus in Jewelry Design was pretty much what I'd expected, although the instructor's final critique surprised me. I'd made no secret of the fact that I thought he was a douchebag, and had essentially stopped showing up for class because I resented having to get up at the crack of dawn and drive to campus and then walk half a mile just to be told my designs were "too predictable and symmetrical." In the end, though, he was happy enough with my work, so I'm not complaining. I'm just glad it's over.

And now? Now I get to have a "break" wherein I scramble for the next month trying to get through the holidays, finish the new book, and get the house painted and the carpet ripped out. Alas, this is my last winter break, as next semester is my final one, so I will relish it with all I can.

And just for good measure (and because Mike asked me to), I'm including this fine photo of me "enjoying" a bowl of borscht.

(Kind of like that photo of the bunny with the pancake on its head, you know, when you don't know what else to say).


Anonymous said...

I think it's all pretty wonderful considering that you have one of the most insane schedules on the planet.

Anonymous said...

i need more planet deedums, please. i keep checking and checking but there are never any now posts! i neeeeeeed it.

love sarab.