Friday, June 29, 2007

Kicking ass and taking hints

Why are people such cowardly shits sometimes? I mean, it's like this: if you don't like me, just tell me. I'll get over it. But if you just ignore me and expect that I'll simply fade into the ether, I mean...come on. Let's be grown-ups here, shall we? It's not that I can't take a hint, it's that I refuse to, based on mere principle.

*frantically searches for dog-eared copy of He's Just Not That Into You*

Where is the line? Seriously! If I decide to move on my own terms I'm selfish. If I blow off a date or do not avail myself, I'm chastised. Yet if I show enthusiasm or optimism, I'm branded a stalker.

I give up. I just can't fucking win this one. Short of getting a personality transplant, I'm doomed in this department. And ironically enough, this time I wasn't even looking for anything. It found me, and it still kicked my ass.

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