Thursday, June 07, 2007

Operation Project Toss Redux

In my initial post way back in March of 2005, I mentioned that I am an incurable messie. I've thought about blogging more about it, but it's pretty damn embarrassing, to be honest. Basically, I suffer from CHAOS - Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome.

So anyway, here I am trying to find things to do with myself instead of eat. I decided that cleaning the house would be something that might keep me occupied for, oh, about six years, so this morning I set to work. An hour into it, I got a call from the Williamsville store asking me if I could cover a shift this afternoon. Being the hour whore that I am lately, I said yes, dropped my trash bag, and hopped in the shower. By the time I got home all I wanted to do was eat dinner and watch a movie and take a nap. But this place is getting to the point where even I can't stand it. Yeah, it's that bad. So I decided that this summer's project is going to be getting this dump into some semblance of order. I'm calling this "Operation Project Toss Redux." (The original OPT was a few years ago before moving here). I took photos, in fact, but I'm not going to post them until I've finished the job.

This is not a job for the weak at heart, believe me. Despite having pushed myself for the last couple of hours to try and at least make a dent, it seems like such an endless venture, like Sisyphus and that damn boulder. Well, at least I won't be bored. Between the diet and the house project, I'm gonna be getting rid of a lot of junk. I hope.

And hey...I lost 5.4 pounds! Ha!

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