Saturday, June 23, 2007

To the Curb

Operation Project Toss Redux continues.

My mom is having a garage sale next weekend, and I'm furiously trying to go through all my shit and figure out what I don't need anymore. I'm convinced that if I just clear all the junk from my house, the junk in my head will follow closely behind. It's actually a proven fact that a messy house = a messy mind, and vice versa. Ironically enough, it's also been proven that messy people are pretty damn smart. I'm not kidding; studies have been done correlating IQ with level of messiness. Something about how the smarter you are, the more pies your fingers are likely to be poking around in, the more interests you have, and the more likely you are to collect stuff. It goes with being creative as well - to a creative mind, there is a potential use for just about anything.

This all makes sense to me, but it's a vicious irony, because I have all this crap laying around with the intention to turn it into something someday, and in the meantime I'm hindering my ability to get anything done in the here and now. Ah, Procrastination, my old friend...time to kick your ass to the curb.

Speaking of the curb, why will I never, ever learn my lesson when it comes to letting people into my life who don't belong there? Well, maybe I'll figure it out once I get rid of all this shit piled up all over the house.

Oh, and I've lost 16.8 pounds! Squeeeee! If you're interested in reading still more of my ramblings, musings, and grumblings related to this venture, check out my other blog!

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