Friday, August 31, 2007

Why the *%#! do you care?!

My family is the very definition of dysfunction - this I will not deny. However, in their favor, they have never been meddlers. When I hear friends speak of their overbearing and interfering parents, I thank my lucky stars that I was blessed with a mother who could care less about my personal life. This is not to say she's not interested in the things I do, but we have a strict, albeit unspoken, "don't ask, don't tell" policy when it comes to aspects of my life that are the most personal to me, e.g. friends, love, sex, relationships, money, health issues, etc.

Lately, I have been subjected to some discomfort from - of all people - strangers and those who do not have direct relevance in my life. Because I've been blessed with non-meddling family, I am never sure how to deflect rude questions. I try to answer politely, but it really boils my blood when I'm asked things that are nobody's business.

Now, I'm not exactly the most private person when it comes to discussing my personal life with my closest friends. I probably offer way more information than I should, but I do this with people I trust, people I love. Yet recently I've had a coworker come straight out and ask me questions about my financial state. And even more recently, I've endured a barrage of judgment and questions about my perpetual state of singlehood by people who just don't seem to get it.

See, I decided not too long ago that I had no desire to get married. This stems, partly, from the decision I made a number of years ago to not have children. It also stems from some pretty serious soul-searching in which I came to terms with the fact that I'm just not that good at maintaining healthy relationships. To some, this may appear as if I've given up. Have I? Maybe. But it's not something I'm all that upset about. If anything, I'm proud of the fact that I've stopped pining for Prince Charming and have continued to live my life - a healthy, fulfilling, and full one at that. I feel like as long as I continue to do this, the possibility of meeting someone who fits my life remains open. But it's not a priority, and I date, but with all the elan of a paper bag. Because marriage is not the ultimate goal, I really don't give a shit what my date may or may not think of me. The "Rules" do not apply here. I am who I am, and I've actually gotten pretty good recently at tossing the bad eggs off the island. It's amazing what you won't put up with once you've decided your own company is ultimately the best company to keep, and that being selfish is not necessarily a bad trait to have.

But I digress.

So this past week, a friend of mine from another country came to visit and was staying with some of my relatives. I accepted a dinner invitation, and hoped that the subject of my love life would not come up. Alas, it seems to be the main focus of this particular friend - this girl REALLY wants to marry me off. Within five minutes, the question came: "So, Deedee, when are you gonna get married?" With a sigh hinting of exasperation, I said, "Never." You would have thought I had just stabbed her in the thorax and called her mother a whore by the look of horror on her face.

For the next half hour, I had to defend my position. She was like a two-year-old, continually pestering, "But WHY?" She actually had the gall to say, "But I want to come to your wedding!" I said, only half-joking, "I'm too old to wear a white dress and dance in front of a bunch of people." Then my relatives' neighbor piped up and chimed in, "My sister didn't get married and have her first baby until she was 39!" Well, great. Maybe when I'm 39, I'll be in a place where I'll meet someone fantastic and it'll all work out. But I can guarantee there will be no babies, and if there is a wedding, it certainly won't be something to fly across the Atlantic to attend. I explained that even if I were ever to get married, I wouldn't have a large wedding, or even a small wedding for that matter. No white dress, no bridesmaids, no obnoxious DJ, no chicken in bearnaise sauce, no Hokey Pokey. This I thought for sure would be understood, as this friend had married her husband in a small civil ceremony with only one witness. Alas, this was not sufficient for her. Nor was it sufficient for the neighbor. "There's GOT to be a nice man around for you somewhere," I was told. Apparently they didn't notice that we're in Buffalo.

"Tell them you're a lesbian," I kept thinking to myself. "That'll really shut 'em up." But as questionable as my orientation might seem to some (I do hold "honorary lesbian" status, don't you know), I'm ultimately not gay -- and thought it insulting to my friends who are to falsely identify for the sake of worming out of an uncomfortable situation.

So finally, after a half hour of this nonsense, I took my leave. Resisting the urge to stand up and scream, "What is the MATTER with you people?! WHY THE FUCK DO YOU CARE?!?!?," I thanked them for the lovely dessert, came home, and canceled all my personal ads. Then I went to bed - alone - and relished it with a newfound appreciation for my solitude. Ah, yes. Single IS good.

And I don't care what anyone thinks of that.


sara said...

amen to that sista! mike and i have talked of this a bunch recently, and we both agree with your position. i am single and why the fuck does anyone care about it. this is how i want it to be.

Anonymous said...

The intrusive questions would continue even if you lived the life they envisioned for you.

I have one child and we cannot have any more. It took me a long time to get to the point where I could write that sentence without crying. I got to that point, though, and I'm OK. Good thing because otherwise the questions and comments would make me insane:
"Don't you want more?"
"Why do you only have one?"
"You really should have more; your child needs a sibling."
"Have you tried (insert suggestion)?"

So -- celebrate your life. It's your life and you should live it as you want to. The hell with everyone else.

Anonymous said...

People will never let up. An old friend of mine got married at 22, bought a house in a suburb she and her husband chose 'for the schools,' had a baby at 23 and works at a daycare center just down the hall from her son's classroom. Little Ms. Perfect mom, right? So of course when she comes home for the holidays, all her aunts want to know is why her son doesn't have a little sister yet.

I have a hard time understanding why people give a damn whether I get married or whether I have kids and every time I bitch to my friends about it, they tell me that people need me to make certain choices because it justifies THEIR choices. They are going to have to look somewhere else for their self worth because I have decreed: NO BABIES!!

And no white dress and stupid dances either. For chrissake.