Tuesday, October 09, 2007

A once-in-a-lifetime event: Meeting Henry

Tonight I met the greatest hero of my life, Henry Rollins. Some of you might remember a little over a year ago when I posted about my homage-in-ink to him on my back. Well, tonight I got to show him - in person - just how much he means to me after his spoken word show, thanks to a connection I have with the venue's management. We took some photos, I got his autograph on my favorite book of his, Black Coffee Blues, and we chatted for about ten minutes.

Ironically, he had talked at length during the three-hour performance about meeting his heroes and turning into a blushing, blithering idiot in their presence, like an 11-year-old meeting the newest teen sensation at a strip mall appearance.

So anyway, after the show I was escorted to the back door by security where I waited for Henry to come out. After he finished signing autographs and chatting with the small group of fans on the sidewalk, he came over to me, and the entire little speech I'd prepared for weeks was no longer on the tip of my tongue. What came out instead was, "Henry, I want you to know that I'm trying REALLY hard not to be an 11-year-old at a strip mall right now." He laughed, and I went on to tell him how big an impact he's had on my life.

When it was all over, I thought, "wow, that was a lot more laid-back than I thought it would be!" He's really down to earth, very friendly, and extremely humble. This, 0f course, has much to do with my admiration for him. I was very surprised at how composed I remained; I did not pass out, I did not pee my pants (and yes, I was worried about both of those things happening). But aside from my flushed appearance and giddy smile, I think I held myself together quite nicely.

But then I realized that I never even told him my name! Duh! Well, anyway, here are some photos of the excitement!

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Waiting in front of Henry's bus, book and Sharpie at the ready!

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We were talking about Chicago and all the shows I saw when I lived there.

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Okay, now he was impressed with the tattoo, but in this picture I can't figure out if he's thinking, "Oh, yeah, check this out!" or "This chick is whack!" I know what I was thinking - "Holy shit, Henry Rollins is holding my hair!"

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One final parting shot. A little blurry, but I like it anyway.

And just for the record, it really feels incredible to be able to check off a goal on your life's list! I don't know how to thank the people who made this happen, but I can assure you there is a very special place in heaven for them! Or at least some free coffee...


Unknown said...

aaah yay!!! so happy for you. i completely understand the feeling, and the fear of passing out, peeing, or in my case, throwing up. meeting trent was so much easier than i had imagined it, tho i didn't say much, i managed to ask for a hug and i didnt throw up on his shoes hehehe

Anonymous said...

That's awesome. I sat front row center and wussed out on even shaking his hand. That's awesome you did that. Very jealous.

Anonymous said...

Hi! I didn't actually get to meet Henry when I saw him last week, but I was sitting right in front of him for the 3 hours (I was at one of the NJ shows) and practically wrote the identical sentiment (albeit more stream of consciousness than as nicely written as your blog) in my blog! He IS an amazing person.

Anonymous said...

Deedee.... first of all you look f-ing great in the pics!!! You look so happy!! And im so happy for you....a def meeting of a life time!!! <3 Maggie

MikeLatona said...

Did he like his pasta salad?

Deedee said...

I think so!