Thursday, July 19, 2007

Eight is Enough

Meet Pepper, the newest addition to my rattie family! She's a Dumbo (see the ears?) Black Berkshire. I picked her up earlier this week from my friend Amanda in Rochester, and she was well worth the drive!

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So this brings me now to eight rats in my colony. I think I'm going to stop for a while, since I think eight rats is all I can reasonably manage.

I went to the fabric store today to buy fabric to make new pads for the cage, and the woman working at the cutting counter asked me what I was making with all this cute, brightly-colored, girly-patterned fleece. I said, "I'm making bedding for my rats' cage," at which she responded, "Rats?! You mean, like, rat rats?" I affirmed this and she said, "Oh, tell me you are not sewing for rats!" I stopped short of saying, "Oh, but I am...and I COOK for them, too!"

What was funnier was the woman standing behind me really liked the pink and purple "Princess" patterned cotton and asked if she could have the bolt when I was done having it cut. She asked me what I was making with it, and I said, "a hammock for my rats." She kind of choked and said, "Oh. I'm making pajamas for my granddaughter." I guess you had to be there, but it was funny at the time.

So yeah, I've got a new baby, and I'm finally gonna bust out the sewing machine and try my hand at making some simple pads and a hammock for the cage. It shouldn't be too difficult, but then you've never seen my sewing. It's on par with my cooking, so these poor rats may end up with some weirdly-shaped stuff. But I'm sure they won't mind. And besides, they seem to like my cooking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So -- I'm a little behind on my reading. Do the rats love them?