Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Small town city

I really don't know what it is, but I have this uncanny knack for running into people I know every time I venture out. Not just people I know from working with the public - I don't count those people, unless they're regular customers with whom I've established a deeper rapport - but people I know on a personal level. It seems like no matter where I go or what I'm doing, I run into at least one person I know. Stores, restaurants (remember the buffet bust?), shows, bars, festivals, or even just driving down the street...there's always someone.

I used to think Chicago was the biggest small town I'd ever lived in, but Buffalo has it beat. Today I was driving back from running errands in Williamsville, and as I was inching along on the expressway in rush-hour traffic, I pulled up next to a familiar-looking car. It was, indeed, a fellow partner from Starbucks. Then I was in Target, and as I rounded the corner of an aisle, I ran into my cousin. Then as I was driving home I heard a beep next to me, and there was my drum teacher and her roommate waving at me.

Note to self: don't commit any felonies. Someone will recognize you.

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