Sunday, September 09, 2007

Comings and goings

I'm not always right. I'll admit that. But when you've been on this earth for 36 years and have the type of history that I do, you tend to possess a wealth of knowledge and experience that only someone who's been there can relate to. You tend to become a much better judge of character, because chances are you've dealt with the type before. You almost feel like you can predict the future based on the past; you've lived in a few different places, you've traveled a bit, you've worked every job known to mankind, and have known/met/dated practically every type out there.

So when someone finally realizes that you are, indeed, not so full of shit after all, you understand that they just needed some time to figure it out. And it makes you happy. Not in an "I told you so" sort of way, but more in an "I'm glad you finally came around" kind of way. When people start coming around and realizing that your complaints were valid, that your arguments held water, that your observations were real, that your perceptions and opinions weren't just the result of some odd makes the struggles worth it.

It is this that keeps me sane during periods of strife and conflict, because I know that as long as I'm sure I know what I'm doing and what I'm talking about, eventually I'll get my point across, and it will become evident that I'm not so "out there" after all. And no matter how many people try to make me feel inadequate, stupid, crazy, unstable, ugly, or otherwise unworthy of existing, I sleep well knowing that the ground upon which I stand is solid, *I* know who I am, and at the end of the day, I'm the only one who has to answer to myself.

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