Thursday, September 13, 2007

Happy Surprises Rule!

Today we got the project sheet for the next assignment in my Illustration class, and I read with dread all the stuff we're required to buy for it. Now, you would think that at this point I've amassed a collection of supplies - and I have, but not much that I need for this class. It's all new media for the most part, media in which I've not yet worked. So while, yes, my t-square and my massive pad of tracing paper and my precision rule have come in handy, I do not own technical pens or a Crowquill pen. Then there is the constant need for presentation supplies, which I tend to buy as I need, because if I buy too many at one time they tend to float around and get damaged. So anyway, I'm thinking "man, this is going to cost me some money that I don't have," and I started worrying about how to budget this week's paycheck to cover the cost of a couple of $17 pens, illustration board, bristol board, and cover stock.

Upon coming home this afternoon, however, I found in my mail a dividend check for $102 from my insurance company! Thanks to everyone who has State Farm and drives carefully, I got some of my money back on my premium. Woo-hoo! So now I can buy my supplies AND some groceries, too! I love when stuff like this just falls in my lap!

Maybe I'll go buy a lottery ticket, just for good measure.

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